Vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management

Get peace of mind and an overview of possible vulnerabilities in your company's infrastructure with a vulnerability scan and vulnerability management.


We can help limit your attack surface significantly

Get peace of mind and an overview of possible vulnerabilities in your company's infrastructure with a vulnerability scan. Vulnerability management involves scans in an ongoing process that allows your company to be updated in terms of the latest vulnerabilities, which continuously arise.

Detect your company's vulnerabilities before cybercriminals take advantage of it.

Our vulnerability scanning and management solution offers:

A vulnerability scan sheds light on whether your company's IP addresses have vulnerabilities, which cybercriminals can exploit.

An advantage for you because:

Continuous scans ensure fast response to emerging vulnerabilities.

It is of benefit to you because:

You get peace of mind and an overview of possible vulnerabilities in your company's infrastructure, which cybercriminals can exploit.

Contact us for a meeting to identify your company's security challenges and needs.

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Cybercriminals take advantage of opportunities

The digital society gives cybercriminals more opportunities to access digital tools that your company uses.

Be the first to spot the vulnerabilities

The vulnerability can be seen as a weak point that allows cybercriminals to access your company.

We find the vulnerabilities for you

Vulnerability can be found in your company's IP addresses, systems, web page or infrastructure.

You get an overview of weak points

Vulnerability scanning identifies weaknesses in your company's infrastructure, network and applications from an attacker's point of view.

A quick response to vulnerabilities keeps you safe

Vulnerability management ensures that the attack surface is significantly limited by means of a quick response to new vulnerabilities.

We'll keep you updated with a report

For both vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management, we prepare a report with details on the vulnerabilities found and how they are remedied.

By having vulnerability scanning performed, your business gets:

Identified and analysed vulnerabilities in IT systems accessible from the Internet or internally within the company.

Mapped vulnerabilities by criticality and help with prioritization, so they can be remedied effectively.

An overview of vulnerabilities that give cybercriminals unauthorised access to your company's network, computers and sensitive data.

Vulnerability management provides the company with:

An ongoing overview of found vulnerabilities that may lead to increased risks for your company.

The option of quickly remedying vulnerabilities and avoid being exploited by cybercriminals.

Rapid response to new vulnerabilities. New vulnerabilities arise daily, meaning that the threat picture is constantly changing.

Contact us to hear more about how Prueba's vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management can be of benefit to you and your company.

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