Prueba Cybersecurity Management

Good cybersecurity is not a project – it’s an ongoing process.


Always stay updated on cybersecurity!

Prueba Cybersecurity Management (PCM) is our subscription solution, where we work with IT security through an ongoing process. We are on the sideline all the way and help keep track of IT security within the areas that we have made agreements about.

Get Prueba on the sideline all the way by means of Prueba Cybersecurity Management (PCM)

Our PCM solution includes:

Fixed service at an agreed monthly price that ensures your company's IT security level.

An advantage for you because:

You get full focus on cybersecurity in the company by having tests performed with fixed intervals.

It is a benefit to you because:

The PCM service provides your company with an overall picture of IT security, which is tested continuously.

Contact us for a meeting to identify your company's security challenges and needs.

Book a meeting

What you get with a Prueba PCM agreement:

We will be your regular contact

Your company will receive advice and the opportunity to contact Prueba about everything related to IT security.

We keep track of security

We continuously monitor your company's vulnerabilities and report if new critical vulnerabilities occur and require a quick response.

We keep you updated continuously

We report quarterly on vulnerabilities in the form of a vulnerability report.

We help you with development

We compare results from year to year - this provides a good picture of how far you have come in terms of improving IT security in general.

Join the community

Your company will have the opportunity to join an ERFA group. You can read more about the ERFA group here

PCM for the company because:

It provides fixed services and the opportunity for contact in case of incidents.

Your company gets an overall picture of cybersecurity, which is continuously tested and reported.

You get ongoing focus and management of your company's cybersecurity when choosing specific services.

Contact us to hear more about how PCM can be of benefit to you and your company.

Book a meeting