Cybersecurity Due Diligence

Avoid jeopardising the expected value of your trade by having a Cybersecurity Due Diligence conducted early in the process. That way, any cybersecurity issues will be solved in a timely manner.


Further, avoid taking over cybersecurity threats when taking over a company

Mergers and acquisitions are a critical part of doing business in our modern competitive world. Of all the factors that go into the valuation of a deal, cybersecurity should occupy an important place.

When merging or acquiring another company, acquiring assets and liabilities, the parent company potentially opens to cybersecurity threats and risks associated with the acquired applications and systems.

We can help you get off to a good start in your business expansion

Our Due Diligence offers:

An overhaul of the cybersecurity of the acquired company or assets and liabilities.

An advantage for you because:

You will be made aware of the cybersecurity of the newly acquired company and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Of benefit to you because:

You prevent the estimated value of your purchase from being compromised, and data and other confidential information from being exposed.

Contact us for a meeting to identify your company's security challenges and needs.

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Cybersecurity Due Diligence identifies not only risks and obligations to support the merger or acquisition agreement itself, but also any subsequent integration.

Of purely technical nature, there is a lot of focus on giving stakeholders an understanding of risks, for instance the lack of protection of:



Intellectual property rights (IPR)

As well as other things that may lead to exposure of confidential information, data and IPR values

All of which requires action either before or after closing a merger or takeover agreement.

The vulnerabilities in untested or unreliable systems acquired as part of a merger or acquisition, can if exploited potentially:

Affect day-to-day operations and availability of the systems.

Cause data breaches or loss of confidentiality, or both.

Lead to financial loss, fines and other legal consequences.

Damage the morale of both new and existing employees, and

result in reputational damage.

In short: Problems or the lack of cybersecurity will affect any business model.

Cybersecurity Due Diligence to:

Have an independent investigation of the company or asset being merged with or acquired.

Make visible, whether there are risks, which the acquiring company should consider.

Provide an overview of hidden cybersecurity issues that can negatively affect the acquiring company.

Contact us to hear more about how Prueba's Cybersecurity Due Diligence can be of benefit to you and your company.

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